Check out all the great things happening with Planet Maine and music here!
Check out all the great things happening with Planet Maine and music here!
Created with WordPress and the Spoon theme. Very easy for the client to add and edit content. Contact us to help you build a site this cool.
We also offer WordPress eCommerce sites for $29.99 per month.
More details and order here.
We can also build you a WordPress site and teach you how to manage it.
Contact us for details.
Ever wonder how many websites are on the server where your shared hosting account lives? You might be surprised – it may be several hundred. Planet Maine does not overload our shared hosting.
Try this Reverse IP Domain Lookup tool see for yourself.
This matters because a server is (for the most part) a single computer in a rack somewhere. The more sites on it, the more requests, the more requests delivered the more processor bandwidth taken up, the s l o w e r your site performs.