About Mitch Lansky

In addition to Low-Impact Forestry: Forestry as if the Future Mattered, Mitch Lansky is the author of the acclaimed critique of industrial forestry, Beyond the Beauty Strip: Saving What's Left of Our Forests, published by Tilbury House, 1992. He is a founder of the Maine Low-Impact Forestry Project, and a contributor to several books. He was a participant in the creation of the Maine Forest Biodiversity Project's book, Biodiversity in the Forests of Maine: Guidelines for Land Management. He has been on various government committees and task forces, including a legislative Round Table on forest labor and economic issues.

Mitch, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is a long-term resident of Wytopitlock, a small forest-based community in northern Maine where he was town manager for seven years. He can be contacted at 112 Mill Road, Reed Plantation, Maine 04497. Phone: 207-456-7018 Email: lanskymitch@gmail.com

Other reports by Mitch Lansky

Within the Beauty Strip: Forest Management as if Salmon Mattered (Maine Environmental Policy Institute, by Mitch Lansky, 3/30/04)

Where Are We Headed?: An Analysis of Forest Statistics for Maine, 2001 (Mitch Lansky, 2/3/03)

Grade Inflation?: SCS certification of Irving?s Allagash Timberlands (Sierra Club, by Mitch Lansky, 11/22/02)

Comments on Maine Forest Service's creation of statewide standards for managing riparian zones (Mitch Lansky, 1/18/02)

An analysis of the West Branch Easement language (Mitch Lansky, 8/10/01)

An Ecological Reserve System for Maine: Are we really making progress? (by Mitch Lansky, 5/21/01)

Green Practices or Promises? Certification of the Allagash Timberlands of J.D. Irving (by Mitch Lansky)

Maine Environmental Policy Institute
210 Water Street, POB 347, Hallowell, Maine 04347.
